The Coronavirus, The Economy, Your Money: Thoughtful Decisions Win
Here's one sure thing: Thinking rather than just reacting is one habit we all need right now. That's why FoolProof created this page.
We think these resources will help you make thoughtful decisions—rather than knee-jerk decisions—when it comes to the virus, your money, and the economy.
Scammers and sketchy businesses are circling around all those issues, right now.
We believe you can inoculate yourself from the bad guys and bad decisions by being a healthy, thoughtful skeptic.
And we think our stuff is a pretty good antidote to bad decisions.
See if we’re right!
Are You Prepared for a Loss of Income?
Isn't it funny that we just can't bear to think about the unthinkable? What would you do if you lost your job or suffered a pay cut? Here are some t…
Are Fast-Moving Developments Challenging You Financially?
Financial challenges can be disrupting to your budget, especially if it’s tight. But what if your tight budget actually had more flexibility to acco…
Are (Quick) Loans a Solution to Money Trouble?
You’re out of cash and need to pay bills... Quick cash loans, a.k.a. high interest rate loans are (very likely) not your solution. As they may get…
About to Lose Income? Tips to Weather the Storm
Have you considered how a loss of income will impact your finances? A loss of income can result from a job loss, pay cut, injury or illness. It's not …
¿A Punto de Perder Ingresos? Consejos para Sobrellevar la Tormenta Financiera
¿Has considerado cómo afectaría la pérdida de ingresos a tus finanzas? La disminución de ingresos puede resultar de la pérdida del empleo, reduc…
No Te Dejes Engañar por Préstamos de Alto Interés en Tiempos Como Estos
¿En un apuro debido? ¿Qué deberías hacer?
La mayoría de nosotros hemos estado allí: tenemos facturas que pagar pero nos falta efectivo. Y exper…
Don't Fall for High Interest Loans in Times Like These
In a pinch due to coronavirus? What should you do?
Most of us have been there: we have bills to pay but we're short on cash. And we experience money …
Do You Recognize Fake News?
Fake news… Everybody's talking about it. But what is it? And how can you distinguish real news from fake? The tips in this video will help you.
This Is Not Fake News!
Creating fake news these days is as easy as pie! And a big reason why criminals and scammers create fake news is specifically to dupe people who might…
How to Spot a Fake Website?
Fake websites are drawing a lot of victims. Don't be one of them! Here’s how you spot those fake sites.
Tips for Spotting Fake News
Fake news. There's been a lot of discussion about it recently. While bogus stories and advertising cloaked as stories have been around for a long time…
Most People Don't Know When News Is Fake. Do You?
Young people are super fluent on digital technology, but why is it they can't tell the difference between real news and fake news. And can you? Lear…
Don’t Let Coronavirus Make Your Savings Sick
Why a Personal Savings Plan Is Important and Tips for Getting Started
How much Americans save—or don't save—has been in the news since th…
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